
I care deeply about working with students including teaching, mentoring, and collaborating. Over the years I have been teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses, where I experiment with podcasting and op-ed writing as ways of making the material more accessible and interesting to the students.

Current courses

    • Who controls the internet? (HUJI: 50056; in Hebrew)
    • Communication Works: Institutional Aspects and the Political Economy of Media in Israel and Abroad (HUJI: 50137; in Hebrew)
    • Policy in the Age of Information: Big Data, Algorithms, Privacy, and Ethics (HUJI: 59664; in Hebrew)
    • Can the internet be tamed? An introduction to internet governance (HUJI: 59605; in English)
    • Cybersecurity: Technology, policy, and politics (HUJI: 50068; in English)
    • Introduction to statistical methods (HUJI: 59827; in Hebrew)

Past courses

    • Quantitative Reserach Methods for Civil Service Cadets (HUJI: 59427; in Hebrew)
    • Research methods in communication (UIC: COMM301)
    • Information, technology, policy, and power (UIC: COMM491/594 and InfoNation)
    • Communicated Futures: Visions and Metaphors of Media, Information, and Communication Technologies (UIC: COMM494)

I am always glad to meet motivated and passionate students. Over the years I had the fortune of working with very motivated, smart, and curious students, either as their formal adviser or just because we shared an interest. If you like the kind of work I do and you want to get involved, you are invited to contact me directly. Please make clear why you’re interested in working with me, what your goals and expectations are, and what you want to contribute.

Current students

Past students

Last updated: February 2024